20 March 2010

Signs: The most useful thing you pay no attention to. - By Julia Turner - Slate Magazine

Signs: The most useful thing you pay no attention to. - By Julia Turner - Slate Magazine
When my Libertarian & Republican friends complain about big government, I wonder if this is one of the government departments they would like to cut. Surely we can rely on state governments to come to consensus on sign standards and common regulations? Of course, the state governments will spend the monies to erect sufficient signage. Think of all the other 'big government' departments we could cut: USDA, FDA, EPA, NASA.
It's like they forgot the preamble to the constitution founds the purpose thereof to the general welfare of the population. Every tax cut, every budget cut is antithetical to the intent of the constitution.
I'm tired of the desperate need to follow the letter of the law while trampling on its spirit.

11 March 2010

Lessons of a $618,616 Death - BusinessWeek

Lessons of a $618,616 Death - BusinessWeek

This article just begins to scratch the surface of what's happening with our healthcare system in America today. It highlights the best and the worst in the same article with the same story. On one hand, a man's life is extended enabling him to see his son graduate high school, on the other hand, millions of dollars were spent developing the technology (pharmaceuticals) which (questionably) aids a very small number of people when the same money could have been used to vaccinate hundreds if not thousands of children. In between lie the health care professionals, tied up in red tape, fighting a losing battle against end stage diseases, but doing their best for their patients, day in & day out.

Certainly, there are not easy answers for all of the issues the health care discussion raises, nevertheless, we know that collapsing the profit out of the administration of health care is a quick and easy way to increase the available funds for health care services. We already have a plan that works, if you don't believe me, ask your mother (if you're old enough) or your grandmother what they think about Medicare. They love it! The only problem with Medicare is the idiots keep reducing the funding for it!

I'm discouraged by the number of people, and their vehemence, opposed to public funding of health care for everyone in the United States of America! To my way of thinking, opposition to public funding of health care, like unto Medicare, is merely thinly disguised racism and the age old class struggle that has been ingrained in American thinking since the beginning.

Maybe that's where my idea for a bumper sticker came from: America Deserves Sarah Palin!

Kind of a sad commentary, so I can't close with that.

We can effect change with our voting practice. If you don't vote, it's a vote for the status quo. If you do vote, vote change, real change, vote the bastards out! :-)